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Hi there SuperFriend!

We are excited to share with you an unconventional tool that can help you navigate and harness intense cosmic energies. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed or simply looking for a way to increase your empowerment and find a sense of peacefulness, this tool may be just what you need. Keep reading to learn more about this unique and effective approach to personal growth and well-being!

As you may already be aware, we are currently experiencing intense cosmic energies that can sometimes be challenging to navigate. However, there is an unconventional tool that can help you harness these energies and use them to your advantage. This tool is called "sound healing." Sound healing involves the use of vibrational frequencies and sound waves to bring about physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. It has been used for centuries by various cultures around the world and has been shown to be effective in relieving stress, reducing pain, and improving overall well-being. One of the ways in which sound healing can be particularly helpful during intense cosmic energies is by providing a sense of calm and grounding. When we are feeling overwhelmed or uncertain, the soothing vibrations of sound healing can help us find a sense of inner peace and clarity. In addition to its calming effects, sound healing can also help to increase your empowerment and personal growth. By attuning to the vibrations and frequencies of the universe, you can tap into a greater sense of purpose and connection to the world around you. If you're interested in trying sound healing for yourself, there are many different practitioners and methods to choose from. Our Galactivators live music shows are designed with the intent of sound healing the listener with freestyled lyrics of empowerment, and programmed with beats crafted to make you want to dance. Read more about us here.

Check out the video below, and feast your eyes on the stunning artwork of Galactica, now on display on 2nd Street in Belmont Shore, Long Beach! This talented artist hand-painted every one of these breathtaking portraits. Want to bring some of Galactica’s talent into your own home? Head to the link in our profile and click the “Artwork” bubble to see more of her work and place an order for prints or commission your own portrait. You can also visit the physical installation at 5354 E 2nd St. Long Beach, CA 90803. Now’s your chance to own a piece of Galactica’s art – head to our website now! All original music in background by The Galactivators.

We wanted to share a video below on our recent show last week in Greenlawn, NY. We had an amazing time performing and were blown away by the response from the crowd. We even received some great testimonials and everyone left feeling Galactivated!

Thank you so much for your support. The generosity of donors like you helps fund our projects and help us expand & grow. If you believe in the mission we do and want to support us, please consider making a donation by clicking here. Every little bit helps us move closer to achieving our goals and making a positive impact in our community

SuperFriends, Galactivate!


Christa Galactica & Saint Joe

The Galactivators