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Aloha SuperFriend!

Its officially our one year anniversary of our television debut on America’s Got Talent on NBC! Our growth since then has been exponential, and we are so happy you are here to watch us grow to Galactivate the entire planet!

We are performing this weekend at Love Long Beach Festival this weekend on Saturday at 6pm! Get your discounted SuperFriend ticket HERE

We reached 1000 subscribers on Youtube! Thank you for helping out with that by subscribing, it helps us out so much!

We now broadcast live each night at 8PM - 10PM PT on Youtube, Tiktok, and Instagram! We upload the replays on a playlists, and we are now in HD and amazing w i d e s c r e e n so you can see all the studio equipment as we perform. Check it out here:

We are running a fundraiser to get more professional lighting for our live performance set up! We have just a couple of days left on it. Any amount helps, sharing this post helps with visibility. If you know anyone who is selling used lights, please let us know! Check it out HERE!

Thank you so much for reading this far, and giving us your time and attention. The generosity of supporters like you helps fund our projects and help us expand & grow. If you believe in the mission we do and want to support us further, please consider making a donation by clicking here. Every little bit helps us move closer to achieving our goals and making a positive impact in our community. <3

SuperFriends, Galactivate!


Christa Galactica & Saint Joe

The Galactivators