New Commissioned Art

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Aloha SuperFriend!

If you could focus on what you want, and it came to you, what would you want? Welcome to a journey of Galactivation and clarity! In today's world, i can seem like we are bombarded with endless tasks, responsibilities, and distractions. But, what if you could focus your thoughts and energy on what truly matters to you and bring it into your reality? Imagine having the power to turn your dreams and desires into tangible experiences. It all starts with a clear understanding of what you truly want. Let's take a moment to reflect and unleash your full potential by honing in on your deepest desires

Galactica got commissioned to do 3 different painting for Rance's Chicago Pizza, a local business in Long Beach, California. This one of them that was completed! She painted with acrylic paint. Interested in commissioning Galactica for your business? Reply back to us!Music by #Galactivators

In our last email, we talked about performing but mistyped the date. It is actually this weekend! We are performing our music set at the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo Saturday February 11th at 8pm 🌀 We highly recommend attending, its 3-day conference and exposition with over 200 speakers, workshops, lectures and special events. It’s the largest personal growth & healthy lifestyle expo in the nation with over 12,000 attendees ⚡️and we are GALACTIVATING it! 🏁 Visit our GALACTIVATION Station all weekend to ring some of our singing bowls, sample our Galactivated Ascension Oil, and hang out with us at a great weekend with friendly people.

Thank you so much for your support. The generosity of donors like you helps fund our projects and help us expand & grow. If you believe in the mission we do and want to support us, please consider making a donation by clicking here. Every little bit helps us move closer to achieving our goals and making a positive impact in our community

SuperFriends, Galactivate!


Christa Galactica & Saint Joe

The Galactivators