he Galactivators performances for the next 3 months in NV, CA, and NY.

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Aloha SuperFriend!

It’s time! We leave in 2 days to perform at Burning Man next week. Here’s a schedule of our upcoming The Galactivators performances for the next 3 months in NV, CA, and NY. We still have some dates open, so get at us ASAP if u wanna book us to perform at your event! Thank u for being on this amazing journey with us and

Heres a schedule of our upcoming musical Galactivations in NV, CA, and NY:

8/25 - 9/2/24 Black Rock City, NV ... We are performing at Burning Man at Off The Dome (formerly known as Freestyle Palace)! On Tuesday we are leading an interactive freestyle cipher DJ set. On Wednesday we are performing at the Black Rock City US Air Guitar Championship Halftime Show. On Friday we will be performing an hour long set at Off The Dome. Set times available in the Rockstar Librarian, or just send us a message this week before we are off grid.

9/6 Long Beach, CA .... Missed the burn this year? Come to a Long Beach's block  party with artcars, DJs, and Galactivators just like at the burn! Located at 230 S Pine Ave, Long Beach CA 90802. We will be setting up an interactive Galactivation experience for all! 4p-10p. More info and tickets HERE

9/7 Malibu, CA ... We will be performing at 10pm at Sets @ Sunset at the world famous Rosenthal - The Malibu Estate Wine Bar + Patio aka Rosenthal Wine Tasting in Malibu, CA, with some amazing SuperFriends The Chester Copperpot!

9/27 - 9/29 Joshua Tree, CA ... We are performing at BhaktiFest in the Lakshmi Lounge Sunday Evening, and in the Children’s zone  in Joshua Tree. More info HERE!

10/05 - 10/06 ... We will be bring our interactive Galactivation Station to Venice Beach, CA! Full band setup, to unlock your rockstar abilities at the Venice Afterburn, a official Burning Man Regional Event.

10/17/24.... Port Jeff, LI NY at Portside Bar & Grill. Doors @ 8PM

Have you checked out our new music video with Mystical Joyride? We’ve gotten more streams in a week than what we get in a month! So exciting!

Thank you so much for reading this far, and giving us your time and attention. The generosity of supporters like you helps fund our projects and help us expand & grow. If you believe in the mission we do and want to support us further, please consider making a donation by clicking here. Every little bit helps us move closer to achieving our goals and making a positive impact in our community. <3

SuperFriends, Galactivate!


Christa Galactica & Saint Joe

The Galactivators