Galactica's UV art show

Galactica's art gallery showcase in Long Beach

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Great News SuperFriend!

Galactica's art gallery showcase in Long Beach is still open! And now it's better than ever. We’ve added UV lights to the Galactivated window show for a unique nighttime experience that you can see everyday from 5pm-10pm. Be sure to catch this one-of-a-kind display and stop by anytime, as our window gallery is available for viewing 24/7 at 5354 E 2nd St, Long Beach, CA 90803.

Saint Joe made an educational video on the power of perspective! How we perceive the world around us shapes our reality. The next time you’re facing a difficult situation, ask yourself “What am I focusing on? Am I focusing on the drawbacks or the benefits?” And choose to focus on the benefits. You’ll be surprised how your reality can change. We used an original Galactivators track for the music!

We are performing and Galactivating at Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles at the LAX Hilton all weekend. Our musical performances are Saturday at 8PM in the main lobby, and again later in the night for Expo’s Got Talent.

The Galactivators are always pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of music. Using cutting-edge technology, we’re excited to bring you a futuristic, interactive and immersive experience. Thanks to a generous SuperFriend, we now have a virtual Reality (VR) headset and a 360 camera, which we used to capture our recent performance at an open mic in Long Beach, CA. Check out the actual 360 video HERE. Here's a video explaining it:

Thank you so much for your support. The generosity of donors like you helps fund our projects and help us expand & grow. If you believe in the mission we do and want to support us, please consider making a donation by clicking here. Every little bit helps us move closer to achieving our goals and making a positive impact in our community

SuperFriends, Galactivate!


Christa Galactica & Saint Joe