Air Guitar Championship this weekend

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Aloha SuperFriend!

As we navigate the vast universe of life, we often encounter challenges and obstacles that test our resilience and determination. This month, we invite you to embrace these moments as opportunities for growth and transformation. Remember, every setback is a setup for a comeback.

The universe is a powerful ally in our journey of self-discovery and growth. When we face difficulties, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and defeated. However, these challenges are not meant to break us but to shape us into stronger, wiser beings. Trust that the universe presents these trials to help us evolve and align with our true purpose.

Here are three steps to harness the universe's power in your life:

  1. Embrace Change: Change is the only constant in life. Instead of resisting it, welcome it with open arms. Each change brings new lessons and opportunities for growth.

  2. Stay Grounded in Your Authentic Self: Amidst the chaos, stay true to who you are. Your authenticity is your guiding star, leading you towards your highest self.

  3. Practice Gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Acknowledge the small victories and lessons learned. Gratitude shifts your focus from what’s lacking to the abundance that surrounds you.

Remember, you are a powerful being capable of manifesting your dreams. Trust the process, stay aligned with your purpose, and let the universe guide you to your destined path.

Stay Galactivated, and let your inner light shine bright!

How good are you at air guitar? if you’re in the San Diego area this weekend, now is your chance to prove it! Sign up through the link HERE to join the US Air Guitar championships. We will be performing at the halftime show!

The official lyric video for The Galactivators - The Coolest Cat is out! Cats have captivated human imagination for centuries, earning a place in various cultural mythologies and legends. In Norse mythology, the goddess Freyja was said to travel in a chariot pulled by two large cats. In Chinese folklore, cats are celebrated for their protective qualities, believed to ward off evil spirits and bring prosperity. In Russian folklore, the “Bayun Cat” is a magical feline with healing powers and the ability to lull people to sleep with its enchanting voice. 😽Our cat TriTone is one of these cats, and we created a song expressing our love for her. The Coolest Cat is out now on all platforms! 🐈Click HERE to download for free, & stream.

We are running a fundraiser to get more professional lighting for our live performance set up! We just received our first donation of $100 yesterday! Any amount helps, sharing this post helps with visibility. If you know anyone who is selling a lot of discounted lights, please let us know! Check it out HERE!

We will be at Disclosure Fest at Castaic Lake Lagoon, CA! And we have a discounted ticket link HERE!

We are performing at Lucidity Festival in Santa Barbara 7/27 – 8/1/24 at the Children’s Zone! We will be performing on Saturday at 6:30pm. More info HERE

We are performing at Love Long Beach Festival on 7/20 at the Stargate Live Music Stage! Discount ticket link HERE!

Thank you so much for reading this far, and giving us your time and attention. The generosity of supporters like you helps fund our projects and help us expand & grow. If you believe in the mission we do and want to support us further, please consider making a donation by clicking here. Every little bit helps us move closer to achieving our goals and making a positive impact in our community. <3

SuperFriends, Galactivate!


Christa Galactica & Saint Joe

The Galactivators